Bring Out the Best in Your Patio

Turn to us for patio painting services in St. Augustine, FL

Want to change the appearance of your patio? Faraci Painting has you covered. We offer patio painting services in the St. Augustine, FL area. We'll lay down protective tarps to keep paint from getting on any part of your property that it isn't supposed to. After that, we'll get to work making your patio look just the way you want.

Contact us today to get an estimate on patio painting services.

Here's why you should leave deck painting to the pros

Painting your deck may seem like something you could do yourself, but the best way to get the job done right is to hire an experienced crew. You should contact Faraci Painting for deck painting services because:

  • We have over 20 years of experience
  • We're fully licensed and insured
  • We'll save you time and energy

Call us now at 347-593-7840 to arrange for deck painting services.